Page 4 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2017 - Online Magazine
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Lubbock Senior Link Magazine is a quarterly publication distributed in
                                                                  Lubbock and the surrounding areas. Visit
                                                                             for distribution maps and past editions.
                                                                   PUBLISHER                    EDITOR
                                                                   Erin Agee                    Jane Bromley

                                                                   COVER PHOTOGRAPHY            DESIGN
                                                                   Brad Agee                    Promofuse Solutions
                                                                   Cindy Hale, Cheryl Goforth, Dodie Grinnell

         Her vitality is important to me.                          CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                   Erin Agee, Gayle (Wampler) Willson, Lindy Jones, Sarabeth
                                                                   Evans, Dr. Jeremy Brown, Emily Hall, Jamie Richards, Vickie
                                                                   Carter, Jasmine Blackwell, Lee Franks, Rachelle Atkinson,
                                                                   Mattison Cox, Ethel Averitt, Juliet Owuor, Larry Williams,
                                                                   Mary Gerlach, Jordan Wilson, Jane Bromley, Jess Peterson,
          As the nation’s largest provider of                      Burke Bunyard, Gabriella Fleming, Daryl Holland, Faithe
                                                                   Hambright, Jody Wilson, Ted Wilson, Stephanie Bolton, Lexie
         specialists in living and rehabilitation,                 Rawls, Dionne Merriott, Paige Thetford, Debra Pugh, Kara
                                                                   Leslie, Deanna Duncan
         it’s our focus to make sure every day

                                                                        Spring 2017  ABOUT THE COVER
              is one of dignity and vitality.                    HONORING SENIORS
                                                                            High  School  Seniors  gathered  with  those  that  they
                                                                            have honored.
        It is because we focus all of our efforts                           Front Row Left to Right:  Sarabeth Evans, Faithe Hambright,
                                                                 Senior 2 Senior
                                                                 High school seniors write about their   Mattison Cox, Paige Thetford
                                                                 role models in the community
                                                                         FREE Please Take One
         on keeping people as vital as possible,                            Second Row Left to Right: Bev Sumrow, Jordan Wilson, Jamie
                                                                Richards, Emily Hall, Lexie Rawls, Vernon Odom
           for as long as possible, that’s why                  Back Row Left to Right:  Val Sorelle, Juliet Owuor, John Sorelle, Alice Blackwell,
                                                                Jasmine Blackwell, Burke Bunyard, Phil Langley
                    we offer a Secure
                                                                Copyright 2017 Lubbock Senior Link Magazine. All rights reserved. Every effort is made
               Memory Support Unit at:                          to ensure the accuracy of all published material. We reserve the right to reject or edit all
                                                                   material contributed. Your letters and comments are welcomed and encouraged.

                                                                            Want the next issue
                                                                               in your mailbox?

                                                                              $5 PER ISSUE, $20 PER YEAR
          4710 Slide Road | Lubbock, TX

              ( Now offering Memory Support )                    For advertising information or to subscribe, call/email
                                                                                    (806) 441-3955
                    Vitality for Living                              

            Genesis HealthCare   | Lubbock, TX                                     Mail inquiries to
                 ShortStay | LongTerm | Senior Living |                              3413 61st St
                 Independent Living | Memory Support
                                                                                 Lubbock, TX 79413

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                               OPPOR TUNITY
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