Page 8 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 8

Jim              Betty Evans

         Dancing through

         the Decades

          by Jane Bromley                     was transferred to
                                              Dallas when she was
                                              nine. Her parents
               ots of couples love to dance,   divorced two years
               but only a few have had        later, so she lived
         Lthe same partner for over           with her mother
         70 years. Jim and Betty Evans of     a few blocks from
         Lubbock continue to hit the dance    downtown. Mrs.
         floor frequently, especially if the   Johnson worked at
         talented Bo Garza is featured.       Neiman Marcus for
         They enthusiastically follow him     22 years, and Betty’s
         wherever he is playing. “Lubbock     first job at age 13
         is lucky to have him,” they agree.   was in the hosiery                  runner up in the Miss Texas pageant,
         91-year-old Jim broke his back in    department at that store. They      competing as Miss Wichita Falls.
         the spring, which slowed him down    walked the mile to the store to save   She won a TV set in a pageant in
         a little, so Betty just dances around   the three-cent streetcar fare. She   1949 (two years before I Love Lucy
         him. The floor usually clears for    also attended Woodrow Wilson        debuted) and once won a zither in
         them because they are delightful to   High School where she was “into    a screen test for a Joseph Cotten spy
         watch.                               everything” and had lots of friends.   movie. “Do you even know what a
                                              (Up until recently, eight of those   zither is?” Betty chuckled.
         Jim was born in Dallas in 1928. His   friends took annual
         grandfather owned a grocery store    trips for almost seven                                 The dashing
         and let him order school supplies to   decades.) WWHS was                                   couple had
         sell when he was seven years old.    the backdrop for Jim                                   great fun
         Jim’s daddy later opened Evans’      and Betty to begin                                     together, and
         Clover Farm Grocery in Urbandale,    their story together                                   dancing was
         near Dallas, and Jim delivered       as lifelong dance                                      always a big
         groceries on his bicycle every day   partners.                                              part of it. They
         after school, from fourth grade to                                                          reminisced
         ninth grade. Learning the grocery    Jim graduated in 1946                                  about the
         business early would be a big help   and went to North                                      many jitterbug
         later in his life. The young man was   Texas State in Denton,                               contests
         also an accomplished tap dancer,     where he was involved                                  they’d won
         performing professionally in various   in lots of campus                                    in places like
         venues, including USO shows.         activities, including                                  the Skyview
         After the family moved to Dallas,    cheerleading. His                                      and “Abe and
         Jim attended Woodrow Wilson          girlfriend followed                                    Pappy’s”. They
         High School where he was head        him two years later.                                   married April
         cheerleader and class favorite.      The pretty freshman                 6th, 1951, and son Bo was born in
                                              was named a NTSC Beauty Queen       1952. Jim graduated with a degree in
         Betty was born in Taylor, Texas near   that year. She was later crowned   Business and soon went to work for
         Austin in 1930. Her father worked    Texas Queen of her sorority Epsilon   Dr. Pepper – traveling all over the
         for the Texas Electric Company and   Sigma Alpha and was even named      country. Daughters Candy and Kim

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